Sewing classes that changed everything

-Photo by Ilona Antina Photography-
I started with the intention to write a blog post about what you can learn during our upcoming sewing classes, but I thought that it might be more useful to you, to know WHY I started teaching sewing classes, and why sharing my knowledge and helping you learning new skills is so dear and important to me.
When It all started:
As a kid, in my hometown in Italy, I loved sewing dresses for my Barbies (with any possible tool, stapler included ) . I could do that all day, I was in my flow. My great grand mother had a Singer sewing machine and that was my door to wonderland: if I could imagine something, I could make it. How powerful was that?
Few years later, I had taken a different path: it was 2009 and I was living in Barcelona, working in a corporation just after graduating as a Vet. I was very young and very proud of my job but something was missing. It was my creative side, that had been silenced for too long and was calling (screaming) for a new chapter.
When I realized it, the first thing I did, was buying myself a second hand sewing machine.
The second, I enrolled into an evening fashion school. Working during the day, attending classes in the evening. It was a demanding time, with very little time to rest. But I was so very motivated.
That season was life changing, and I realized that it is never too late to pursue your real dream if you really want to. The one that makes your eyes sparkle. And mine was, creating my clothing line, and having my own brand. And changing my career.
Few years after, I moved back to Italy, and I skilled up patiently and fiercely, thanks to my wonderful and very talented Sewing Teacher Antonietta, who taught me patience, accuracy and love for the details.
Each time I attended one of her classes, I felt the immense value of learning something that not only I loved and wanted to master, but that I could also bring home with me, make mine and use to create something beautiful. It was uplifting, and kind of magical.

So this is my Why, this is the reason that made me decide to host sewing classes so that I can share with you what I learnt during these years. Mistakes included, so that you can learn from them and skip that part!
The feeling that we have when we learn something new (something that might have been only in our dreams for a while) is so empowering, so powerful, that it is a true pleasure and joy for me to share what I know with you.
Looking forward to having you at one of my sewing workshops soon, and creating something beautiful together!